Friday, July 22, 2011

My Pregnancy: Week 28

How Far along? 28 weeks and 4 days!

Size of the baby? baby weighs two and a quarter pounds and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels

Any new symptoms? no, but my pelvic pain is getting worse.

What are you craving? pot stickers. Oh man have I been eating a TON of those.

Total weight gain? 12 lbs

Baby Bump?

28 weeks

28 weeks and 3 days

Movement? lots of kicks all over again. Baby WAS head down earlier in the week but now I have no clue!

Gender? girl

Nesting? nope, just resting. :)

Sleeping well? No. Very uncomfortable sleeping lately.

Buy anything for the baby this week? nope. Nothing this week.

What are you looking forward to? getting henna on my belly with my BFF this week! :)

What are you enjoying the most/least about being pregnant this week? I'm enjoying my time with Lucy before the baby comes. Not enjoying all the internet dramaz.


  1. The veggie gyoza are good, too! Plus the gyoza sauce, if you haven't tried it.

  2. Yes I love the veggie ones! So good! I haven't tried the sauce, I'll have to pick some up.
